11 Tips To Cultivate a Growth Mindset

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When I embarked on my *true* healing journey, I couldn’t escape the recurring theme of the growth mindset. It seemed to pop up in every book I read and every podcast I listened to. Now, after several years and still an avid consumer of books on the subject, I see this concept as a fundamental cornerstone of mental, physical, and spiritual recovery, and a vital component of building a better life.

Through the journey of personal development, few concepts are as transformative as the growth mindset. Psuchologist Carol Dweck coined the term, growth mindset, as the belief that abilities and intelligence can be improved through effort, learning, and perseverance. This mindset shift can lead to a more resilient, optimistic, and motivated approach to life’s challenges. Those with a growth mindset are better able to embrace challenges, view failures as learning opportunities, and know that hard work with consistency is the path to mastery and success.

In contrast to growth mindset, a fixed mindset is the unfortunate belief that one’s capabilities are static and unable to be improved upon. The fixed mindset leads people to avoid challenges due to fear of failure and the idea that their skill levels are inherent, leading to lack of motivation and and reluctance to try new things and take risks.

Developing a growth mindset involves recognizing and cultivating the belief for the potential of self-improvement. This also looks like embracing challenges, stepping out of a comfort zone, and accepting that learning and development are ongoing processes. 

Here’s an easy breakdown of the best ways to cultivate within yourself a growth mindset:

      1. Embrace Challenges

    Take on a new project or hobby that pushes you out of your comfort zone. Or as Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Do one thing every day that scares you.”

        1. Learn from Failures

      View failures as stepping stones on your journey. Have the courage to analyze what went wrong, what you can improve, and how you can approach the situation differently in the future. 

          1. Practice Persistence

        Persistence is key to developing a growth mindset- it doesn’t happen overnight! The more you persist, the more you develop resilience and the ability to overcome obstacles. 

            1. Remember There’s Power in the Pivot

          When things don’t go according to plan, and your thisclose to throwing in the towel, realize that everything is figure-out-able and you can always pivot and try again.

              1. Effort is the Path to Mastery

            Recognize that whether you’re learning a new skill or working towards a goal, it’s the effort you put in that leads to progress. Embrace imperfection in the beginning and let desire for practice and dedication  propel you.

                1. Welcome Constructive Feedback

              Adopt a mindset that welcomes feedback or constructive criticism as an opportunity for growth. Listen to the input of others and use it to improve your efforts.

                  1. Find Inspiration in the Success of Others

                Seek out people who have succeeded in areas of interest to you. Realize they had to overcome obstacles and setbacks and do the hard or annoying things that they did in order to get where they are now. Their success is a testament to the power of growth through effort and commitment.

                    1. Be Attentive the Power of Your Tongue

                  Mind the language you use. Small shifts in language opens the door to possibility and makes implications in your brain that with time and effort, you can achieve your goals. For example: Don’t be caught saying, “I can’t.” Adjust it to “I can’t do xyz yet.”

                      1. Ditch the Fixed Mindset Thought Pattern

                    Any time you recognize fixed mindset beliefs creeping into your thoughts, replace them with growth-oriented statements that encourage development and optimism. Say it out loud, write it down, repeat.

                        1. Set Big Hairy Audacious Goals

                      Coined by my mentor, Trish, BHAGs are goals that push you beyond your current abilities, comfort zones, or even what you believe is capable in your life. By striving for something that feels out of reach, you create opportunities for substantial growth.

                          1. Practice Self-Compassion

                        This work does not include being hard on yourself. Being your own cheerleader is more constructive that beating yourself up. Giving yourself the “gold stars” activates your reward system and propels you to keep going.

                        To wrap it up, cultivating a growth mindset is an ongoing journey, not a destination. It can be a daily challenge to integrate these principles and transform your mind in this way, but it’s incredibly rewarding. As I reflect on my own journey, I can’t help but wonder: Where in your life could you make adjustments in the thoughts you allow for yourself? You’ve got nothing to lose, and it can only lead to a happier, more grateful experience of life. Best of luck on your growth mindset journey! This path has radically improved the way I approached my habits and thought processes, allowing me to continuously build for a better and better life. With a growth mindset, you’ll discover a greater sense of resilience, optimism, and the motivation to embrace life’s ups and downs.

                        Go out there and put these tips into practice… and you’ll be amazed at the positive impact a growth mindset can have on your experience of life.